About Us (2021)

Sido: The Little Store with a Big Heart

In the tender embrace of her mother tongue, "Sido" softly tells the tale of a petit, simple, yet deeply beautiful haven. Founded by a creative spirit who graced the international fashion and broadcast industries, Sido was reborn in Bali after the her transformative journey across numerous countries and discovery of yoga.

Sido aspires to reunite its scattered international clientele after covid. The goal? To weave an online community where memories, moments, and mindfulness thrive.

The founder's path, despite challenges and complexities of entrepreneurship, found direction and strength from the teachings of yoga. It became the force that led to the birth of a brand shimmering with genuine kindness, joy, and a smile that bridges hearts.

Sido is more than a jewelry brand. It stands as a modern, elegant beacon for those walking the yoga path, providing pieces that reflect the essence of mindful living. More than just sales, Sido carries the honor of being love's messenger, bridging hearts across the globe, with countless tales of gratitude from its cherished clientele.

While market tides change, Sido's heart remains steadfast. True to its essence, it wishes to be that little store, always staying petit, mindful, and beautiful. Every piece encapsulates a pledge - to find joy, to live with awareness, and to savor every fleeting moment.

As Sido unfurls its story, harnessing the digital winds, it beckons you to join this wondrous saga. To connect, to reminisce, and to find joy with us.