My Unplanned Yoga Journey: From Casual Stretches to Profound Growth

Yoga began for me as just a casual remedy for back pain, with a trial class in a quaint lane house in Shanghai. The teacher's words, "Never compete, never compare," resonated deeply. The class was patient, detailed, gentle yet empowering, and I found myself wanting more.

Embracing Life's Ups and Downs Through Yoga
There was a time when each morning began with tears. Attending yoga felt like therapy, helping me face the day. I was fascinated by challenging poses that seemed impossible yet taught me to accept and grow from difficulty.

Connecting Through Yoga: Community and Creativity
Sharing my yoga-inspired doodles and thoughts revealed a community of like-minded souls. They weren’t just after perfect poses, but the ideas and processes within. This overwhelming response led to the birth of Sido, a reflection of our collective spirit.

Six style of handmade yoga mug: 
I am strong
I'm amazed by the strength gained through bodyweight exercises in yoga. While I love the intensity of fast-paced sessions, the slow, mindful classes are equally transformative, teaching patience and mental resilience.
I am content
Being content is wonderfully simple. Practicing gratitude each night and choosing to see the good in life has become a nourishing habit.
I am centred
Although my mind often wanders, yoga helps me center myself. Focusing on just one pose requires my complete attention – it's high maintenance in the best way.
I am grateful
One of my favorite teachers said, "Each piece of food contains the life of the sun and the earth." His teachings have inspired deep gratitude within me.
I am Joy
Learning gratitude helps in appreciating the small joys. Understanding that peace and joy come from within brings profound serenity.
--On the mountain of Hangzhou, our ceramic studio.--

Ceramic Studio in Hangzhou

In our Hangzhou mountain studio, we craft ceramics that embody strength, joy, contentment, gratitude, and focus. Holding one of our mugs is like holding a piece of this journey.



I used to go around stir and create fuss everywhere just to seek happiness. I didn't know that it is indeed much simpler than that. Space which is a little bigger than your body and a mat will help. 





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