Bigu the Yoga Cat: A Life Full of Learning and Love

--1st day I brought him home. He slept for 22hrs-

Bigu's Journey: From London to Shanghai and Beyond

I remember when Bigu was just a baby kitten, how being a first-time pet owner opened my eyes to the profound responsibility of caring for a life. His pure, round eyes looking up at me were a reminder of this new bond.

--His favourite spot of the house.--
London was a significant part of my life, but a move to Shanghai was inevitable. Bigu had to become a Shanghai cat! The process was challenging, his journey more complex than mine – getting his passport, the late-night trip to the cargo, his questioning gaze as he was loaded onto the plane on that chilly night.
--I am a bully. --
Bigu was always calm, patient, and chill. He was there through my best and worst times. We even shared a comical moment of panic when we encountered a mouse at home – a reminder that Bigu, indeed, was a cat!
 --The peach that glows. --
The day Bigu left, I found solace in a field of peach trees. As I watched the smoke rise, I imagined him transforming into a peach – a beautiful thought that brought peace.
Bigu lives on in our imaginations, laughter, and stories. He is the sweet, juicy peach inspiring all I do, ensuring his presence is felt with endless happiness. Following his birthday, we found ourselves at Anyi Escape by Kerry Centre Jingan, a night market brimming with creativity and talent. The positive feedback was overwhelming, and we're excited about restocking and future developments.
-- Many of you came and say hi and support us. --

Bigu-Inspired Mug Designs

Our mug designs stem from my favorite chats with Bigu, with playful questions on the front and whimsical replies on the back, capturing his spirit.



Mug ideas came from fav chat btw me and bi


I will Jia you?

Which way to the moon? 

Did you steal my food?

 Am I fat?

 Do you love me?

 Why are you so amazing?


I don't know. 



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