Crazy earth! Take me out from this madness!

What a mess we've had so far! Total madness. Some say there is always something good comes out of the bad. The media was driving me crazy. Is there anywhere I can go where is just peace and breeze please?
--Yoga in transformation from Pinterest--


I woke up late the first day after a late arrival the previous night. I walked out to the street, the cars, the people, the motorbikes, the cows, dogs and cats were rushing through each other in the dust. "Am I in the right place?" I thought. Yes, I am. Kathmandu is a bustling town which can shock any newcomer. Guesthouse owner Rabina told me these temples I want to go are all really close with a short walk. Which was indeed an hour...each.. some UP the hill. But until you get there, it's all worth it.


--Bouhda Stupa in Kathmandu--

--Pashupatinath Temple with the saint--


And I found my first meal. Not knowing what I was really eating but it was strangely tasty. 

--Food turned up when you dont read--



--Canoeing in the morning. Jeep in the afternoon--


-- We started off super excited--

--I literally stared at the air for 6 hours and find nothing.-- 

-- Everyone was shocked seeing him on the high street--

I heard you have to be lucky to spot tigers and Rhinos. We spent one whole day wandering around in the sun. The next day Mr Rhino decided just having a causal crawl on the high street. 


I decided I must find the rest of the folks. So the next day, we packed our bags and walked into the jungle. We will stay there til we see everyone. Hours of walking. Bypassing footprints of tigers, heartbeat fastens. We eventually got to this tall and beautiful treehouse before dusk, no frilled, yet sparkling clean and fully solar-powered.


It felt so raw. Rhino showering, cicadas at their full performance at night. Birds, monkeys, crocodiles flipping tails, elephant fighting, and tiger hunting. It's dark in the night, hazy in the morning,  so you don't see anything... But you hear everything. Daunting!  

--Our 3 storey high luxury mansion--

--Walking in the middle of the wilderness--

--Winnie the Pooh (Sloth bear) and elephant houses --

Later on when the haze went away. We found flocks and flocks of reindeers passing through, families of elephants and countless crocodiles sunbathing at the bank of the river. And we saw Winnie the pooh (sloth bear) looking for her honeycomb. 




Taking the public bus between destination proved to be a challenge. Travel sickness isn't fun but there weren't many alternatives. I ended up having my head laying next to the driver's shift while my legs were held tight on the lap of an old lady with a plastic bag in my hand for about 10 hours. 


- They turned this pink checkered cushion into a bed for me.--


 I had in total 3 of these rides, I don't know how I survived them... By the time I got to Lumbini. There weren't many tourists no more. Nice and quiet. Sitting among the crowds listening to the Buddha’s story. I don’t understand a thing yet it was incredibly soothing and humbling.

Bodhi tree right outside where buddha was born

--Some yoga places are free, you can help yourself.  I did a session here alone by the river with the cows chilling next to me--


Ganesh. A gentle yogi from India who also teaches at the Isha foundation run by my favourite spiritual teacher in Mumbai. I am so happy that I have met him. He didn't walk with his arms tho.





Gecko Cafe, a small restaurant by the lake in Pokhara. There was a bunny couple, families of ducks, chickens and dogs live there. I can't figure out what they've done to deserve this perfect life. Listening to jazz, chasing each other, swimming, playing, sunbathing.. 


Looking out to the lake. Bunnies, chickens, ducks and me.


During these 10 days being in this tiny town. I got many really beautiful things to bring back to Shanghai for you guys. I learned to make silver jewellery from scratch. I ate lots of really simple but inspiring vegetarian food. And I met so many genuine people.


Local Nepali put their heart to help you in every way. I turned up very late in one small family-run restaurant asking if they can make me some food. The little 10-year-old girl who left her homework aside, "Of course please sit down, I get my dad!” with a big smile on her face. This dad later talked to me about which potato he think makes the best chips for long. The passion and the love were what I was eating that night.


--Clean floral table cloth every day. Chips are golden and crispy.--

I've also met lots of likeminded travellers who we shared travel tips and life stories.  The climbing adventures they talked about were most tempting. I wasn’t prepared nor fit enough but girls half of my size did it. I must at least meet Miss Himalaya in person even from far. 


--Heart melted .--


Few days later. Here we go! :) I made it. I was stunned by her beauty, her elegance. It’s so cold up there, and I was exhausted but felt so warm at heart.


I love travelling alone. Stepping into the unknown, learn to adapt and be flexible. Daunting but it's also often where you find surprises. New energy generated from within or sometimes lifted by others on the way. There are certainly ups and downs but that's so fun! Keep the goods inside with wondering memories and hopes. 

Time to go home. I felt extremely anxious before the flights but it turned out my journey was a smooth one. 7 hours from the point I land to home. Felt looked after by the medics and staffs in the airport. They are professional, friendly and kind. I am so proud of them. 


Hello Shanghai! 



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