Welcome to sido ceramic studio. Casting a spell on you! It's a mantra!

The Serendipitous Journey with Emily - The Ceramist with a Smile

Three years back, by sheer coincidence, I connected with Emily, a ceramist whose smile is as charming as her craft. Despite the distance, our collaboration blossomed, creating simple yet stunningly organic pieces with no defined shape or boundary.


We sell simple things, 

beautiful things. 

Organic things that 

have no specific shape and boundary. 


Our first creation, the wonky mug, was a thing of beauty, evoking pride and admiration. It became an instant hit, with my friend Tianyi jokingly saying they'd be worth millions when we hit the big time.

--The girl who always has a big smile on her face--

--Each ceramic delivery brings surprises and joy--

The Smiling Artisan Behind Each Masterpiece

Each delivery from Emily brings a wave of excitement and surprise. My first visit to Jingdezhen was a memorable one, with its bustling, ceramic-filled streets and insightful museums teaching me the rich history of different dynastic techniques.


--B&B full of potters wheels--



--The heart mantra--


Cultural Haven and Potter's Paradise

Jingdezhen, with its dusty charm and packed streets of ceramic materials, is an artist's haven. From the B&B filled with potters' wheels to the markets buzzing with cultural conversations and the dreams of recent graduates, the town breathes life into pottery.


--Found a huge kiln bigger than me--

--Everywhere is full of taste--

--what are these ceramic gloves for? --



Exploring Tianmu Mountain's Serene Workshop

A year ago, we moved to Tianmu Mountain in Hangzhou. Nestled atop the mountain, surrounded by bamboo forests, the tranquil sounds of nature make it an idyllic place for creativity and craftsmanship.



Lessons in Patience and Perfection

Making ceramics is a lesson in patience. The process is intricate and delicate, much like nurturing a high-maintenance relationship. Each piece takes several days and numerous steps to complete, reflecting the gentle and patient nature of the artisans.


A Journey from Earth to Art

From the earth to the kiln, every piece carries our fingerprints and our souls. We believe this love and dedication melt into blessings for those who receive these pieces - a gift to others and to oneself.




Gratitude to Our Team

To Emily, Xiao Fong, Miao Miao, and Ayi, your patience with my unique requests has been incredible. We share a bond of dedication and passion, making every piece a testament to our collective heart of gold.






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