7 kinds of rest. Which one do you need most?

Simple and Beautiful: The Art of Rest and Reflection
As the year draws to a close, it's a natural time for rest, reflection, and resetting, rather than just evaluating achievements or planning future goals. But what really constitutes rest?

No.3 Love
Cultivate your garden mindfully.
When your flowers blossom, all bees will come.
Flowers in your garden,
flowers in your heart.
-- Anything calms you really. like looking at my plants.--

Finding Calm in Simplicity

While pondering on rest, I stumbled upon an episode of my favorite podcast, Radio Headspace. It's a few minutes of morning thoughtfulness that I adore.  

Feeling tired? Sometimes, sleep alone isn't enough. It's about finding the type of rest that rejuvenates you, whether it's physical, mental, sensory, creative, emotional, social, or spiritual.

Physical Rest: Beyond Just Sleep

Relaxing your body can be as simple as a gentle walk, restorative yoga, a soothing bath, or even a loving self-massage. It's about physical ease and comfort.

Mental Rest: Freedom of Thought

Mental rest is about giving yourself the liberty to think freely. It's about taking breaks, enjoying a cup of tea, writing, drawing, or just processing thoughts without external pressures.

Sensory Rest: Quieting the Chaos I

n the city's hustle and bustle, sensory rest is crucial. It might be seeking quietness, dimming the lights, enjoying calming scents, or listening to your favorite music.

Creative Rest: Nourishing the Artist Within

For the creatively inclined, rest could mean visiting museums, exploring nature, or simply taking a day off to recharge and reignite the imagination.

Emotional Rest: Honesty with Self

True emotional rest involves expressing feelings freely and authentically. It's about setting boundaries, saying no when needed, and not just pleasing others.

Social Rest: Solitude and Self-Care

Sometimes, rest means solitude. Saying no to social gatherings and spending time alone, doing what brings you inner peace, is essential.

Spiritual Rest: Seeking Purpose and Inspiration

Reflect on life's bigger questions and find inspiration from personal heroes or guides. Spiritual rest connects you with your purpose and direction.



These ideas of rest may seem small, but they're transformative. Rest shouldn't be a source of guilt; it's necessary for balance. Good rest leads to better work and a more fulfilling life.

Joining the Headspace app, I've incorporated small practices like deep breathing each morning. Gradually, these habits have led to more focus, calmness, and peace in daily life. Even exploring vegetarianism!

As we welcome the new year, let's embrace these forms of rest. This wisdom, originally from Ottessa Moshfegh, has been enlightening for me. Wishing you a happy new year and peaceful reflections.


Sido is now officially a mindfulness grocery store. From now we will produce products that are inspired by living a simple life. Through products, we hope to bring you a little more joy, peace and happiness.  


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